Active Sports, Inc. is a multichannel e-commerce retailer and the largest global retailer of snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, and windsurfing equipment primarily through the storefront of

In 2004, the family-owned company had less than 30 employees and primarily generated revenue through catalog sales. By 2015, we were fulfilling 5,000 orders per day across a network of warehouses across the United States.

  • Created and maintained network infrastructure that saw the company grow from retail showroom business to ecosystem that included 11 websites, 3 distribution partners, and nearly 50 direct affiliate partners serving over 360,000 SKUs, 500,000 customers, and a technical staff of 28 responsible for day-to-day management.
  • E-commerce presence included unrivaled SEO ranking coupled with keyword advertising, resulting in +30% annual revenue growth for 12 consecutive years.
  • Dramatically cut operating overhead by migrating to virtual architecture.
  • Personally developed multiple intranet and mobile devices applications to streamline operations.
  • Oversaw M&A logistics and integration of competitor Altrec.